Montag, 10. Dezember 2007

Picasa 2.7 Beta

Google released today a new Linux version of the photomanager Picasa. The most important change is the implementation of the upload-function for webalbums.
The programm is still running with wine...

You can download the installation-file or you can add the "Google's Linux Repository" directly to your paketmanager.

Download for different Linux platforms
Google's Linux Repository

Samstag, 8. Dezember 2007

Turn off the light

Switzerland and Germany turn off the lights for 5 minutes!
make a little step to protect our earth and get involved
for more information go here

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2007

Xbox Media Center XBMC

the famous mediacenter for the xbox is comming on linux
the video shows you the xbmc running on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn..

Awant Window Navigator AWN

nice dock for linux desktops
includes a lot of plugins and now supports "stacks"

you can find install-guide and plugin-overview on the AWN-Wiki

Crysis Engine

pretty cool video shows you the power of the crysis engine
really delicious!