Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2008

Firefox 3 download record

help mozilla to get a new world record..
all you have to do is download firefox 3 on the release day!

get it, when its out, by this link:

Download Day - English

Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008

XBMC Plugin for

This is a plugin to watch streams from

It's my first release and the plugin is still under development.
Currently only movies from the main-video site are available.

Download the plugin, copy it into the plugin-folder and add it as a new source.

Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2008

PS3 introduction

some really good reasons why you schould buy a PS3 (instead of a xbox360)

PS3 head tracking

Multitouch on a PC platform

Transparent oled display

Look exactly to see the transparency...

Montag, 19. Mai 2008

Samstag, 10. Mai 2008

Formula 1 - Barcelona HQ-Video

watch it fullscreen to enjoy the quality!
fast broadband is assumed ;D

Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008

Activeboard in classrooms

new technology in swiss-classrooms

Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008

Phun for Mac

Phun, the 2D physics sandbox is now available for mac.

Download Phun for Mac on the Phun website

Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008

Compiz sphere

a new feature for compiz-fusion!

more information on the compiz-fusion website