Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008

MacBook Pro with 4G RAM

I just updated my MacBook Pro to 4G RAM ;D

I've got the version with 2.5 Ghz, 512MB videoram and the multitouch-trackpad..
and NOW 4Gigs Kingston RAM (KTA-MB667K2/4G) !!

They work really fine and already by booting up you notice that it works a bit faster...

Here a screen to demonstrate:

Freitag, 20. Juni 2008


I'm proud to release my first OSX-Widget!

The website of the swiss-national television offer all their "own-production-shows" to watch online.
Because mac-users don't have an embedded wmv-player in the browser, you are only able to watch the movies in a bad quality (flv).

With the SFWidget you can stream all videos available on the sf.tv-Videosite in HighQuality (640x420) and watch it in Quicktime or VLC.

Download SFWidget

Montag, 2. Juni 2008

LOST - Ben's passport

Im a fan of the tv-show LOST.
The last days I watched the series 4-09 to 4-14
Problably you have seen them too.

If you looked very carefully you might have seen the type of Ben's passport.
It was a swiss national passport ;D

Do you recognized that?

more information on Lostpedia.com